As soon as I found out that they were touring, I reached out to an out to a friend with some 90's - old skool style AND picked his brains about fashion, what's next and what it's like to dance for a living.
I was in total awe watching him dance on stage AND begin with 'Johnny I am so proud of you!!'
Describe your style
My style has been influenced by my grandfather (I love this) Neat and shirt tucked. I get a lot of it from the 90's - I like bright colours, yellow and oranges.
Describe your style in 3 words
90's - Old skool - Grandpa.
If you had one wish
I have been so blessed. My family has supported me throughout my career and if I could have one wish. It would be to be able to buy my mum a house one day. (Johnny is so humble)
Where are you off to next?
Off too New Zealand, then to South America.
Tell me about your music? What is your new song "CAMP" about?
It's about hanging out with your friends and doing it for THE team.
What is it like being Justin Bieber's Dancer?
It's amazing, he is the best boss I have ever had. The way he treats his employees is great and that's how celebrities should treat their employees! I'm travelling the world, I have been able to see places, I have on ever dreamed about. I am so lucky.
Whats next?
Finishing off this tour, put out and EP and hopefully tour myself. Dancing for an artist like Bieber has helped me dream big, I see everything major. I helps me really imagine how big I can go. I learnt a lot from watching Bieber.

Outfit breakdown
Jeans // Zara Man
Shoes // Converse
Watch // Michael Kors
T- shirt // Tommy Hilfiger
Sunglasses // Ray Bands
Jacket // Urban Outfitters
If you want to check out his Music, you can download a copy of 'Camp' on iTunes and follow him @JBlazeOfficial
It was an absolute pleasure to catch up and next time I hope I hear you on the radio!! Looking forward to that moment!
What you think about the 90's style?