The Gardens by the bay in Singapore was one of the highlights of our New Year's trip. I felt like I was exploring something on another planet. The view from our room at Marina Bay Sands looked like a jungle, like nothing I had ever seen before - on the out skirts of the city.
The Flower Dome was so enchanted. It somehow replicates the cool-dry climate of Mediterranean regions like South Africa, California and parts of Spain and Italy. If you are a big fan of pretty flowers, you should definitely wander around and take tonnes of selfies! I found so many of my favourite flowers Chrysanthemums, Hydrangeas - it was a beds of pink and purples.
If you ever need any advice on where to go and what to do in Singapore, I suggest clicking to YourSingapore site. There is so much information on there - where to eat, explore and where to shop!! Check out all the places you could go via their Instagram @visit_singapore.