Imagine being able to design and select shoes in the colour and fabric you want? Well, it is possible with VIAJIYU! The shoes you choose are handmade in Italy, using only the finest fabrics, by the same artisans who have been making shoes for centuries. When I stepped in to the store I was greeted by an array of gorgeous styles, prints and colours. As I got to know the owner Nicole, we both agreed that the Portofino style was our favourite. Reason being there is a hidden wedge in the flat which you can wear them for hours on end AND are way better for your health. This is really important to me. 'I never ever dreamed I would end up in Florence. Not even when I started VIAJIYU but Florence is a great place to have a laboratory or store for live testing' Nicole says. I was intrigued by the name of the store and I'm betting you are too. So it goes VIA (vee-uh) is Italian for 'road' and JIYU (zhoo) is the Japanese word for 'freedom' SO VIA+JIYU (vee-uh-zhoo) = The Freedom Road.
Here's me trying to decide what colour/print I want (whilst wearing a pair of Como's to get some inspiration)
For more information about these amazing shoes and to place your order please visit
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